Sierra Nevada Limite - the family

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

I love mountains especially the high mountains covered with snow, that is why we go to Sierra Nevada so much, because we can ski, snowboard, walk and ride a bike. Is not it amazing? Additionally in summer, there is a great race, Sierra Nevada Limite. This year Chris was unlucky and had a puncture during the downhill, his tube exploded because of the temperature of rim, too much breaking. Luckily Fernando gave him a spare tube and a pump, so he could continue.
When I saw Chris, I knew I had to push harder, because almost every year one of us gets a trophy and during trainings I usually try not co be caught by him ;) 

I was climbing up with a very nice group when Chris reached us and for around 10 kilometres I had a private domestique, thanks a lot :)

This was the first race ever when we were going together, because normally during climbs Chris speeds up and the only thing I can do is to say good bye and climb slowly in my rhythm.

The second part of the race was the next day, it was only one climb, from Granada to Veleta, around 40 kilometres long. The best woman, Italian - Sabine Gandini - was so fast, that I even did not try to get on her wheel. After half of the climb an amazing welsh, Andrea Jennifer Smith caught me and we were going together, but at the last part she overtook me, but the time difference from the day before was so big that I still was the leader in oro (gold) category.

The organisers invited famous athletes: Luis Angel Maté and Lucas Eguibar Breton, that was a great surprise. In Poland I used to practise a lot of snowboarding, but here unfortunately I do not do it as much. It is incredible that in Spain there are people on such a high level. What is your favourite sport?

Por la tarde, cuando el tiempo cambió un poco, podíamos disfrutar las vistas. Más fotos puedes encontrarIn the afternoon, after a weather change, we went for a walk to enjoy the views. If you want to see more photos visit  the gallery.

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