Alfarnate - fighting till the very end
Thursday, June 08, 2017
Recently I was very busy, trying to prepare an exam from Spanish. On Sunday, to relax my brain a bit and to use other parts of the body, we went to Alfarnate, to take part in a race and see how strong we were.
(fot. Pepe Montalbán - after the fall)
Due to the health problems I have been struggling with, I could not sleep well so I felt a bit dizzy. The fall woke me up. With support from the other participants and spectators I continued the fight against myself. When I saw ¨no hay dolor¨, which means there is no pain, on the last climb I laughed at myself, because the only thing that slows you down or stops you is your brain.
(fot. Alfarnate Club Deportivo - no hay dolor)
At the finish line Chris was waiting for me. I wanted to stop strava, when I realised that I did not have my mobile in the pocket. I must have fallen out during the crash. I changed my clothes and with the organisers we went to Periana to look for it, but it was not there. We returned to alfarnate and ate ham and paella, which after 4 hours of sweet drinks and gels tasted even better. Many thanks for the organisers, Alfarnate Club Deportivo, and my husband, who normally tells: ¨If you only want, you can do it¨.
(fot. Jose Antonio Mancera Liñan - the podium)
During the way back home, we gave another try and we found the cell phone, it was off the road, in a ditch. Now I just need to heel the burns. All is well that ends well :)