Yesterday it was a bit different than usually, instead of cooking and working I went climbing with a funny couple. I had to mention that I was not only taking pictures, but also trying to do it myself. I haven't done it for a really long time, probably 10 years, but even though I admired it a lot, especially that in Poland I used to climb on artificial walls inside buildings. Nature in here is so spectacular, that after a short period of time I forgot about the fear of falling down ;)
From the top, there was a really nice view. I was very satisfied that I managed to reach it, a bit like in Nepal ;) I've been dreaming about another trip to the high mountains. In the pictures Doris and Adam.
From the top, there was a really nice view. I was very satisfied that I managed to reach it, a bit like in Nepal ;) I've been dreaming about another trip to the high mountains. In the pictures Doris and Adam.