Veni, vidi, vici

Sunday, August 06, 2017

I have't written for a while, a lot is happening even sometimes too much. Recently my in-laws were here and we organised an excursion to Garganta Verde - green throat.

I knew that my mother in law is afraid of deep water, but I didn't know that she's not a fan of altitude. Instead of making her happy I made her shivering.

In the end she overcame her weakness and bravely walked through - veni, vidi, vici. Congratulations!

If you want to make somebody happy you need to know this person. I like the adventure, but personally I prefer more "extrem" ones :P

In the gorge, there were many vultures waiting for death. They wanted to eat carrion, wild pig had fallen from top and smelled terribly, so were landing there but it was to narrow to take off.

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